Privacy and Data Protection Policy
Privacy is something that we take very seriously here at Rodolfo Menjivar/Brothers From Other Mothers. We support all regulations and controls that are put in place to limit how companies use your personal information. We also believe in being transparent about how we use your information, and that is the reason why we have created this policy.
About Collecting Personal Information
We collect your information because without it we are unable to contact you and have a relationship. If you are one of our clients, it is crucial that we can reach you and deliver what we promise. If you are not our client but have expressed interest, we need your information to send you free content, invitations to programs, and other offers that we feel could benefit you.
If you look at our website or Facebook page, it doesn’t require you to give your information. If you have taken one of our courses, attended an info night, or any other event that required registration, then we need to collect your information to be in contact and establish a relationship.
We only send information to people that ask for it, usually, when you fill out a form on our website, make a purchase, attend one of our events or courses, or by talking to a member of our team.
What personal information is collected?
What we collect depends entirely on how you interact with us. We don’t take anything you don’t voluntarily share with us — we participate in no “data mining” nefariously to collect personal data.
Some of the data that we may ask you for (this is not an exhaustive list):
- Name
- Mailing Address
- Phone Number
- Email address
- Credit card information
- Date of Birth
- Website
- Other contact information or preferences
- Details about your ability to be involved in our programs, aka health issues, physical or emotional.
The kind of relationship we have will determine what type of information we require from you. Not everyone will be asked for the above info, which is just a list of possible requests depending on the kind of relationship we have.
How personal information is used.
First and foremost, we use your data to deliver information and services to you. We also use it to help us learn about who our best clients are, and how to reach other people like them.
We do attempt to coordinate data across the different platforms we show up on. So, for instance, we may take personal information you give us through our website and share that information with our Facebook account so that we can find more people like you. We share no business details, payment information, or otherwise from one platform to another. Generally, when we do share across platforms, it’s just name and email so that we can see if you also have an account on the other platform.
Our team, right now it is just Rodolfo, has access to the data in our systems to do our jobs.
All data is stored in online systems we use; there is paper storage only for contracts and intake forms for the courses, and waivers and contract agreements for coaching. Individual coaches may keep notes of their sessions with you. If you are unsure as to the protocol your coach follows you will need to ask. Some examples of the systems we’re using at this time are MailChimp, Facebook ad manager and business manager, and payment processing systems like Patreon and PayPal.
It should additionally be said that we do not store credit card information on any local systems. All payment information is stored within secure third-party platforms whose business is to do that securely with high levels of encryption. We cannot, for instance, look up your credit card number ourselves and use it.
Non-personal information collection and use:
This means information that does not identify a specific person. We occasionally use website analytics, pixel tags, and cookies to help understand how people use our website and our services, to look for larger patterns.
If at any time non-personal information is connected with personal information, then it will all be considered personal information and treated as such.
We don’t share your information:
This means we don’t consciously give out or sell your information to other companies that would then market to you. Never for any reason at all.
We do share your information with our third-party services that essentially are the tools that we use to run the business. Those companies all have privacy policies in place where they are not accessing your data without our accounts to market to you or otherwise use your information for any reason, except for when we direct that tool to perform a function for us within our account.
For instance, your email address is stored in our email system (at the time of this writing is MailChimp). We direct our email systems to send our written emails to the email addresses that have opted in, and our email systems carry this out.
This is not considered the same as giving your email address to the company MailChimp so they can market their services to you. This latter example we would never, ever do. We do offer to share your information with other group members when a program ends unless you indicate on your intake form you do not want that information shared.
Security and Protection:
We use tools and third-party companies that are committed to high levels of security encryption. We are not encryption or data security experts by any stretch of the imagination and are trusting these services to provide the high levels of security they are claiming. So far, at the time of this writing, they haven’t failed us.
No physical (paper) documents with personal information are kept for longer than 7 years, and again these are identified above.
All technology is kept up-to-date in as reasonable time frame as is possible (generally within the month the update is released).
Our company policy and procedural documents direct all employees and contractors to delete any information they may temporarily place in files so they can do their work, and to shred any paper copies once their work is complete (this includes any handwritten notes to self as they do their work.)
It’s your data; you retain control:
You can unsubscribe, or otherwise let us know that you don’t wish us to use your data and we will honor your request. You can ask us how your data has been used, and we will let you know.
You can ask to be deleted entirely from our system, and we can do that, with the exception that if you’ve bought anything from us, we are required to track income for tax purposes, and your receipts would remain in our accounting system for at least seven years. But you would be removed from our marketing or client delivery systems as entirely as we can do that without compromising our tax records.
Bear in mind that we are a small company, at the time of this writing only four regular people involved, most of them being part-time. We will honor all requests, and please be patient for us to follow up with you. It may take up to two weeks to meet some requests.
You can customize some of how we use your data by using the personal link at the bottom of any email we send you from our email system (as opposed to a personal email we may send you from one of our private email clients).